#18: Raising your profile and prices with Rachel Spencer

Season #2

In this episode:

• How to put yourself out as an expert • The process of raising your profile and reach • The value of visibility • Choosing the right media • Facing your fears • Personal content

Sally talks to Rachel Spencer, a freelance journalist and publicity expert for small pet businesses. Rachel talks about how raising your profile can contribute to you being able to raise your prices as visibility means more people will find you, allowing you to be more selective about the clients you want to work with. Rachel and Sally talk about how to be brave and put yourself out there as an expert, the importance of telling people what they need to know about you and why you’re different. They discuss choosing the right media for your audience from the many evolving platforms for exposure and the hard work you need to do to secure ‘the cherry on top’ national media recognition. Rachel shares insightful anecdotes of working with various clients to get publicity and why getting personal could be the key to getting coverage for your business.

Selected links from this episode

Find Rachel on Instagram @rachelspenceruk, LinkedIn 'Rachel Spencer', check out her website rachelspencerwrites.com and discover her podcast 'Publicity for Pet Businesses

Connect with Sally on Instagram @thepricingqueen and on LinkedIn 'Sally Farrant'

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The Pricing Queen podcast is produced by Decibelle Creative @decibellecreative decibellecreative.com


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