Success Stories &

Kind Words


Oliver CodringtonĀ 

Sally had an immediate impact in my business. I thought I knew my figures and yet I was struggling to stay on top of cash flow. They say Revenue is Vanity, Profit and Sanity, and Cash is Kingā€¦well Sally is the Kingsā€™ consort.

She will help you figure out exactly where your money is going and what steps to take to address scarcity. Sally continues to keep a close eye on bookkeeping, budgets and other FC project work and Iā€™m very grateful to have her on my team.

Lawyer, Entrepreneur, Advisor and Coach

Mel KnibbĀ Ā 

Iā€™ve finally plucked up the courage to take your course. I donā€™t know what was stopping me, but Iā€™m guessing the thought of completing the course made me freeze in the same way thinking about sorting out my business accounts does.

I really enjoyed the introduction because it was short and sweet and you looked relaxed. You also reassured me by saying that I didnā€™t need to take loads of notes and none of the videos would be over 10 minutes. I felt I could actually do this and really wanted to get started!

Iā€™ve finally managed to stay on top of bookkeeping since meeting you.

Award-Winning Blogger at 'Le Coin de Mel'

Philippa Pearson

I attended the Webinar which Amanda Johnson held the other evening, and I would just like to say how much I enjoyed the webinar.Ā  Having just set up my business last year there are so many things to juggle, the accounting webinar was extremely useful.

Owner, Witts End Business Services

Matthew Negus

I have always enjoyed working with Sally. She is professional, hard working and gets results. She has a wide range of experience, and is someone I would highly recommend.

Chief Financial Officer at Silverstream Technologies

Sam Goodall

Sally is an excellent management accountant and I would recommend her unequivocally. The work she did for us was exactly what we needed and the process of working with her was also very instructive and helped us to really get under the skin of the challenges we were trying to address. Five stars!

Programme Manager, Cambridge Cleantech

Karen Aufm KampeĀ 

I enjoyed the Accounting Essentials for Small Businesses course. It was good to discuss all the basic information in one place and get advice.
I am glad I joined the live round - it wasn't only more personal and a very friendly atmosphere, but the other participants asked some questions I might have completely missed and Sally added even more useful tips.
The Power Hour was immensely helpful as well. I think I only need half the time for my admin tasks now which is a huge relief and I understand a lot better how Xero works for me. Thank you so much!

Aufm Kampe Translations

Nicki Bass

Having been running my leadership consultancy for just over 2 years, I was becoming increasingly aware that the financial systems I was using were more labour intensive than they needed to be. I have invested a lot in marketing and sales training, so decided to turn my attention to the books and Sally's course came along at just the right time. Sally's patient, practical and knowledgeable approach meant that I was able to get the answers that I needed. I was particularly impressed with how she was able to adjust to meet our different needs depending on the stage we were at. As a result of the course, I am now a Xero convert - something I had dabbled with in the past, but didn't have the confidence or understanding to use properly. I would highly recommend this course to anyone starting out on their freelance journey or those who need a reminder of the basics in order to realign a few years in.

Resiliance At Work LTD

Nicolette EvansĀ 

I recently started a new business and signed up for Sally Farrantā€˜s short ā€˜Accounting Essentialsā€™ course to help meĀ get into good accounting habits from the start. It's been great for learning the
basic accounting 'jargon', so I feel more comfortable talking to an accountant and know what questions to ask, plus it's a very practical course. For example, writing a budget and forecast has helped me work out what will make me money (or not).

I've also found it really useful for my business set-up, as Sally is great at explaining business basics, such as the pros and cons of being a sole trader or a limited company and the implications for each in terms of tax, VAT and insurance etc. She also gives you smart tips to keep on top of it all, such as filing your expenses.

Sally also runs a FB group which has been really helpful for extra questions and it's been reassuring to meet other business owners through the live calls. If you're starting out in business or have been going a while and are feeling overwhelmed by your accounts, I'd
definitely recommend doing the course to help you take back control.

Mindful Nature Walks With Wellbeing Over Work