Business Growth by Numbers is 2!

This week Business Growth by Numbers turned 2!  I can’t believe I’ve been in business that long really.  I never thought I would set up my own business when I left my corporate job.  But then I discovered that they wouldn’t offer the flexibility I would want with my kids and thought why not?  I didn’t need the employment benefits any longer (no more kids!) and decided to take the plunge.
To say it has been a whirlwind would be an understatement!  I have learned about lead magnets, sales funnels, blogs, websites, newsletters, passive income and so much more.  Plus I have discovered I love working at home as long as I have loads of Zoom calls each day.  My husband hears me say “I’m just going on a call” a lot!
What I have learned is that you need support and cheerleaders along the way.  Everything from having an amazing virtual assistant (Louise Mackie), to email marketing and websites (Lisa Pierce), to mentors for me like Marie Houlden (mindset and EFT coach) and Sophie Le Brozec, founder of Life Reboot Camp.  There are also the people that I see from a distance  - Helen Pritchard, (LinkedIn marketing – check out her 5 day challenges if you haven’t, it transformed my dusty LinkedIn), Gemma Went, Amy Porterfield and Janet Murray.
To celebrate being 2, I’m offering 20% off power hours until Sunday 23rd February.  Click here to find out more and to book using the discount code POWER20

50% Complete

Two Step

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