Do you know what your business will look like in 12 months' time? A lot of people will say forecasting isn’t worth bothering with. After all, why would you forecast and look back at the last couple of years and what happened in that time? I firmly believe that you should always be looking to know where you’re going. Because if you don’t know where your business is headed, you’re just going to keep drifting around and missing potential opportunities and growth.
When you have a plan for the next 12 months, you have a good direction of travel. You know what you want to do, where you make your money and how you want to make money in the future. Now you might want to carry on the way you are, or you may wish to change what you’re doing every three months, and that’s ok. But do you want to create lots of done-for-you products? Do you want just to have five clients and spend a day each week delivering for them? And if you do,...
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