Do the words cash flow management bring you out in hives? Do you struggle to understand how cash flow and pricing are linked? Do you understand how critical cash flow is to your business? Cash flow is an essential aspect of your business, and you need to understand it. But if it currently makes your head spin, you’re not alone!
So if you’re looking to better understand and manage it, keep reading, as this blog post is just what you need.
Cash flow management is basically what's coming in your business and what's going out of it. It also covers what's gone out of your business and what’s coming up and due to go out of your business. Because it’s essential to know what payments you have coming up so that you know if you've got enough cash to last you.
There's a saying: ‘Revenue is vanity, profit is sanity, but cash is king’. It’s a good one to remember because, ultimately, if you don’t have cash in your business,...
When was the last time you reviewed your pricing? And how much do you give away for free?
So many people I come across give everything away for free. I'm not saying you shouldn't give stuff away for free and make it some of your best content, but too many people, especially women, don't sell after the free stuff comes out. And then we are back to it being a very expensive hobby.
It's important to check that your prices are competitive in your market place, especially if you are in a price driven market, but also make sure you are charging what you are worth, plus having enough to live.
When did you last sit down and work out how much you need to charge to cover your overheads? Do you know how much your overheads are, including paying yourself? What about how many hours you work? Do you take off holidays or have quiet or busy periods in your business? Do you work full time even? And how many of the hours you work do you actually do client facing work? What about the time spent doing...
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