How do you know when to take on an employee in your business?

Are you ready to outsource or take on an employee in your business? It’s a question many entrepreneurs have but are terrified of exploring, especially when they’re ready to grow. And at first glance, it may seem that an outsourcer is your best option - but is it the right option for you and your business?

It’s a subject I’ve recently been chatting with Victoria Johnson about. Victoria runs Green Jay Group company and helps STEM startups get their people and culture how they want it to be. She also offers one-to-one leadership coaching, helping founders of businesses decide on the best ways to outsource, because it isn’t always easy deciding between hiring an employee or outsourcing to a freelancer.

The missing strategic decision

Many business owners are eager to get started. They operationally need to grow and want help to clarify options. But before this point, there is a need to make those strategic decisions first. Can you afford to hire? What can...

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Business Growth by Numbers is 2!

This week Business Growth by Numbers turned 2!  I can’t believe I’ve been in business that long really.  I never thought I would set up my own business when I left my corporate job.  But then I discovered that they wouldn’t offer the flexibility I would want with my kids and thought why not?  I didn’t need the employment benefits any longer (no more kids!) and decided to take the plunge.
To say it has been a whirlwind would be an understatement!  I have learned about lead magnets, sales funnels, blogs, websites, newsletters, passive income and so much more.  Plus I have discovered I love working at home as long as I have loads of Zoom calls each day.  My husband hears me say “I’m just going on a call” a lot!
What I have learned is that you need support and cheerleaders along the way.  Everything from having an amazing virtual assistant (Louise Mackie), to email marketing and websites...
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