How do you measure success in your business?

business money success May 27, 2020
How do you measure success in your business? Is it all about the money, or does something else drive you?
For me, I know that I measure success largely by how much money I have in my bank account. I'm a numbers person, and I know this motivates me hugely. However, success to me also means having quite tight boundaries, so I don't work evenings and weekends as much as possible. I have 2 young children and being able to be there for them is really important to me. I want to choose to have school holidays off. In lockdown, these boundaries have become even more important as I love my business and could spend every waking hour on it! However, I need to make sure I have plenty of downtime as well.
I also value flexibility in my work, and I don't believe you have to work harder to be able to be successful. I am always looking for ways to make my business more efficient, and outsource things that take me a long time to do. I also try not to trade time for money too much, so that I can stop billing by the hour/day. I have also started to have "passive" products that I can use again and again, like my course.
The other side of it is that I love helping people to truly understand their numbers, and success is every client whose face shows that aha moment when they realise it's not as complicated as they thought, or that doing their numbers each week would keep it under control.
It's also a lot of trial and error in business, and success means lots of failures along the way, and things that don't go to plan. My life is definitely not going to plan at the moment with home schooling the kids, and trying to fit work in around them. Some things work, and others don't. One of the best bits of advice I ever got was not to create content for a course or programme until it has sold enough and I think this is great advice, and has saved me time on things that haven't worked.
Do you often think about what success means to you?

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