I took a day off last week. It’s actually the first proper day I’ve had off since lockdown, where I turned off my email and my notifications for the day and was truly present with my family. We went to the beach for my son’s 8th birthday and it was just a lovely day, one of those rare parental days that go well! And since then I’ve been super productive getting my business work done.
So I’m planning another day off this week (my husband’s birthday!)
I’m a firm believer that actually hard work doesn’t always equal greater success. Yes, if you are lazy and don’t put in the work at all, your business won’t grow. But actually, working 14 hour days isn’t the answer either.
In her book, “Do Less” by Kate Northrup (
get a copy here), Kate talks a lot about needing to have time out in order to be able to have productive times. That we...